Phase 5 – Purposeful coping
A goal of this program is to improve your knowledge and skills to successfully manage the caring role. In Phase 5, the caring role is proactive and purposeful – you are acting as a caregiver, not a caretaker.
In this phase you consciously use active coping strategies and accept the changes that caring has made to your life. You continue to be affected by change, but have the skills to face new situations with confidence.
You have stepped back from ‘over caring’ and are able to focus on your own life and relationships. You can make informed decisions about your caring roles and accept the outcomes of your decisions.
You are able to acknowledge and manage your emotions and can set health boundaries in relationships. Above all, you find meaning in the caring experience.
Emotions commonly experienced in Phase 5 include pride (in self); anger; frustration; acceptance; hope; worry; love; grief; and compassion.